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The year 2020 is a crucial year with many decisions to be made that affect not only ourselves

in the present, but also many generations in the future. 


Every day, we consciously or unconsciously make important decisions that have long-term consequences for ourselves, our families, our communities, our country and our planet as a whole. Important information that we need to make these decisions is generally not available, has been hidden, altered, is misleading, or sadly, more often than not, based on lies and manipulated data.


Based on popular game shows like Let's Make a Deal and The Price is Right where contestants get an opportunity to choose a random door without having even a clue as to what is behind it,

we have developed a "game" that we call VISION 2020. You, as the participant, are encouraged to vote to reveal what is behind each of our doors. And just like the contestants on the game shows, you become the heir of whatever is revealed, whether you like it or not. 


According to the number of votes, the door with the most votes will be revealed on January 25th,

the second on February 8, with the final reveal happening on February 22.

Take a chance and help us for the door you want to see opened first!

This prize has already

been claimed!

This prize has already

been claimed!

Email your vote to

We will not use your email for any reason other than to record your vote. 

The artists




“Because creativity is an infinite and enduring resource, one to draw upon in both the most joyous and the most challenging of moments.”
-Sarah Burford


My professional purpose as an arts administrator, is to support those I serve with the creation, implementation and management of strategic resources in order for my co-workers and colleagues to succeed. This purpose is what motivates me in the professional field and it is driven by my curiosity for learning and a tenacious work ethic.




Born and raised on a farm near White Heath, IL, I was blessed with lots of creativity, but not lots of money. I spent many days out in the country with my Grandma, where I didn't know it, but I learned crafting, gardening, basic homemaking skills, and how to make something out of nothing. Those skills and memories are some of my most valued to this day.

I've always been able to draw, paint and create "things", and was often the kid in class that got called out to do great things in art. At first, it made me happy, but then soon realized the kids that didn't get picked were good at art too, they just did it different than everyone else. I think that it's this time on my life that I started to value the differences in us, as a way of learning and growing.

I have been a graphic designer, window display artist, retail manager, floral design shop owner, winery tour and experience manager, education coordinator and goat farm tour guide.

I hope to continue to explore making things...I say I don't invent things...I imvent them!

OUR goals & values

To contribute in a positive and action-inducing manner to the global conversations and concerns on the environmental threat that is humankind. 


To use only recycled, repurposed or reused materials. All purchases from the IDEA store in Urbana, IL, personally owned or donated to us.


To take the first step toward change, which is self-awareness.


Kelly White at 40N


The IDEA Store

Sherman Williams

Art Nerds @ the Art Coop


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